curb exchange meaning in English
curb market (股票的)场外交易。
- And the author advises that the criminal legislation on security crime of china should be completed from the following respects : ( 1 ) the improvement on the system of security crime , which includes the increasing of name of security crime and rearrangement on terms of security crime . the author thinks that some new security crimes should be prescribed in the criminal legislation on security crimes , especially about security crimes happened during curb exchange , during short - line exchange , during the use of security fund . ( 2 ) the improvement on the ways to undertake criminal responsibility of security crime
笔者根据现实生活中存在的严重证券违法现象,提出在现行《公司法》 、 《刑法》 、 《证券法》规定的证券犯罪的基础上增设一些证券犯罪,尤其是在目前的证券市场中比较猖獗的场外交易犯罪行为、短线交易犯罪行为以及改变募股资金用途犯罪行为,除此之外,还应当规范各个证券犯罪条文,使其互相照应。